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Saturday, May 14, 2011
International Congress of Hermetism and Ezoterism objectives:
  • promotion and dissemination of esoteric knowledge for the creation of  more universal good;
  • knowledge and promotion of values ​​and personalities of local or international esoteric field;
  • educating society about the esoteric sciences;
  • providing quality information in the esoteric science promoted by leading figures;
  • revealing from shadow ancestral knowledge and offering it to the general public;
  • providing an organizational framework for high-level exposure of personal and collective ideas, ideals without prejudices and repercussions;
  • esoteric knowledge objective and scientific treatment ;
  • environmental awareness and ancient science education in structured  studies and teachings for organized education process;
  • discovery or rediscovery of historical and esoteric truths more or even less known by general public;
  • establishing a bridge between esoteric organizations, bodies or institutions within the country or abroad;
  • rediscovery and enhancement of ancestral romanian knowledge or Dacian, Christian or pre-Christian, presentation of Romanian public figures or organizations in the field;
  • support and promotion of projects necessary and beneficial for spiritual development of people in Romania and for all humanity;
  • to help human beings to know themselves, understand, rediscover, accept and love;
  • to assist in the manifestation of all human beings' creative abilities using all the available potentialities and qualities;